Santa Baby
I got this in my e-mail this morning from Mama Jo:

I'm wondering if she's starting a subtle campaign to get me interested in giving her another grandchild, because immediately thereafter, I had the following IM exchange with Oscar:
Me: Danger, Will Robinson, danger. My mom sent me an adorable photo of Santa passed out on a couch with a little itty bitty munchkin in a red elf outfit passed out on his chest. I'm jonesing for a baby. Good thing I'm a) not ovulating right now, and b) heading up to Snark's Mistress's tonight or I might rape you and make you fill me with your little babies!!!
Him: LOL
Do you think I should warn him that I'm serious, or let him be surprised when I tie him to the bed and start doing unspeakable things to his body?
Surprise him!
Oh yes, please surprise me. :D
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